Each recipient receiving your email has three visual inducements to encourage your email to be opened. These are the email “From address”, Subject line and Preview text.
The Preview text is a snippet of copy pulled in from the top of the body of your email. It is often displayed underneath the sender name and subject line in a subscriber’s inbox. Preview text can capture your subscriber’s attention, encouraging them to open. Preview text that include keywords can also influence behavior getting subscribers to scroll and view specific elements mentioned in the text.
The majority of popular email apps now support this functionality including Gmail, Android and IOS native email apps and Outlook from 2013 onwards.
To make this easy to manage we have added a new system variable called emailpreheader. This variable will be automatically added to the very top of all new (or resaved following Email Manager 6.3.4 install) emails. The preheader itself has been coded to remain invisible within the creative and only shows as preview text. To enable this functionality simply to populate the Email preheader variable when working through the send process.